As you can see, parents are important in KapEngine. This functionnality allow you to move / rescale / rotate several GameObject in same time.
It's useful to make a clean project too.
To set the parent you can do this :
Other Functions
allParentIsActive() : give you true if all parents are active or false if one of parents are disable
getParentEntity() : Give you the parent Entity class
getParent() : Give the shared_ptr<GameObject> of parent
parentContainsComponent(nameComponent, recurcibely) : allow you to know if a parent contain a specific component. "recurcively" is an argument that do this function on all parents.
parentContainsComponent(vector<string> names, recurcibely) : like above function but with several components
getParentContainsComponent(componentName) : give you the parent id that contain a specific component. If no component found : return 0.
allParentsActive() : same as allParentIsActive but it is a const function
Last updated
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