Let's add a new item in your menu !
What is a GuiItem ?
GuiItem is item used by KapEasyMenu Plugin. It is a useful Item Class to describe its behave with specifics actions.
Let's see how to create a nomal GuiItem
Let's set more settings
You can set :
ItemStack amount -> set the amount of items
Item title -> set your item title
Item Lores -> set your item lores
Cancel Event -> cancel the event on your item click (in game)
let's code these modifications
There is severale useful getters :
getItem() -> it returns the ItemStack
getPlugin() -> it returns the JavaPlugin attached to your item
isDisableEvent() -> it returns if your item disable InventoryClickEvent
getLore() -> return lore of your item
getName() -> return name of your item
getAction(ItemActions) -> return the lambda you set with an action (Check doc)
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